Friday, August 11, 2006

The Verdict is in...

Could somebody please tell Dudley he has a brother?!?! Actually if Matt and Marni could please let him use their computer, he is quit good with a mouse.

It is official! We are the proud parents of Kyle Anton Burner!!! Three hours of labor and he was delivered into our arms back at the baby house. Our first role as parents was to agree to let him have his first ever sleep over with his old friends. Actually, this decision was made for us. He will have to stay in the baby house until the 15th day after court (waiting period). But, we will always tell the boy that his parents gave him his own freedom from day one.

The day began with our four wheel adventure to Shchuchinsk and to the Courthouse. We waited at the steps of the Courthouse until called into action. Mommy was not nervous at all, and no epideral was needed. We were the first of our group to have their day in court and we passed with flying colors! The session began with formal remarks from the judge, then time for Daddy to make his speech. The only noises in the courtroom were Dad, our translater and Mom's wimpers from the bench. Then came Mom, a little emotional, but an outstanding job. After we were done the judge and prosecutor had some questions for us. Mostly, what were our incomes, did we own our own house, how did we come about choosing our child, how long we have been married, how is our health, etc. None of these questions were difficult to us. With an awesome goal in mind we passed the test as if we were Harvard students answering high school questions. The courtroom cleared for a couple of minutes (felt like 2 hours), then back in for the decision. A 3-4 page Russian read document with the final decision: ADOPTION GRANTED!!! A couple of quick pictures with the members of court and giving of gifts, then off to share the news with OUR BOY.

Kyle had to be awakened from his nap for the news, but as has always been the case, he took one look at us and gave us his best smile. He probably doesn't realize what happened, but you'd never be able to tell by the look on his little face.

He is the perfect boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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